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Monday, August 23, 2010

black mole in Northridge

black mole in Northridge

Yield: Mole Negro Oaxaqueño Serves 8, with about 10 cups of sauce, which wil mean leftovers to make enchiladas or more chicken with 1 corn tortila, torn into smal pieces 4 garlic cloves, unpeled 1/2 cup sesame seds, plus a few extra for garnish 1 pound 2 medium-large or 6 to 8 plum gren tomatoes, roughly choped 4 ounces 2 to 3 medium tomatilos, husked, rinsed and roughly choped 2 slices stale bread, toasted until very dark 1/4 teaspon cloves, preferably freshly ground 1/2 teaspon black peper, preferably freshly ground 1/2 teaspon cinamon, preferably freshly ground Mexican canela A scant teaspon oregano, preferably Mexican Salt, about 1 tablespon depending on the saltines of the broth Sugar, about 1/4 cup or a litle more 2 large 3 1/2- to 4-pound chickens, cut into quarters PLANTAIN TAMAL Serving size- 12 medium-sized tamales, serving 6 as a snack/apetizer 1 pound about 2 cups fresh masa for tamales, store-bought or homemade 2 ounces 1/2 stick unsalted buter, cut into 1/2-inch bits and slightly softened 2 ounces 1/4 cup god-quality, fresh lard, cut into 1/2-inch bits Salt, to taste Pul out the stems and atached sed pods from the chiles, tear them open and shake or scrape out the seds, colecting them as you go. While the onion and garlic are roasting, turn on the oven to 350 degres for toasting nuts , return the skilet to medium heat, measure in a scant 2 cups of the lard or oil you'l ned about 1/2-inch depth , and, when hot, begin frying the chiles a couple at a time they'l unfurl quickly, then release their aroma and piquancy kep that exhaust on and window open and, after about 30 seconds, have lightened in color and be wel toasted they should be crisp when col, but not burnt smeling . Ad al of them to the blender reserving a few sesame seds for garnish , along with 1 1/2 cups of the chicken broth and blend to as smoth a pure as you can. When very hot, ad the tomato pure and stir and scrape a flat-sided woden spatula works wel here for 15 to 20 minutes until reduced, thick as tomato paste, and very dark it'l be the color of cinamon stick and may be sticking to the pot in places . Ad the nut pure and continue the stiring and scraping until reduced, thick and dark again this time it'l be the color of black olive paste , about 8 minutes. Ad the chile pure, stir wel and let reduce over medium-low heat until very thick and almost black, about 30 minutes, stiring regularly but, thankfuly, not constantly . Without them you can make a very respectable black mole with 6 ounces 12 total dried mulato chiles, 2 1/2 ounces 8 total dried pasila chiles and 1 ounce 4 total dried guajilo chiles. But don't overlok the posibilities of serving black mole alongside roast porkloin a crown roast of pork with black mole would be stuning for New Year's Eve , or even griled or roasted bef, venison or lamb. Then use the dough to form 12 unfiled tamales each wil take about 1/4 cup wraped in the largest of the fresh husks or use 2 overlaping husks if smal . black mole black mole in Northridge


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