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Sunday, August 29, 2010

james blunt goodbye my lover ubersetzung in Temple city

james blunt goodbye my lover ubersetzung in Temple city

On a recent evening during my vacation, I decided to watch two films that shared Rio in comon, one on DVD, the other on Blu-ray, and in the end, they couldn't have ben more diferent. Back in the Conery era of the Bond films, there were four OS 17 movies made by Andre Hunebele, very much an atempt to cash in on the suden apetite for spy movies. I remember seing the French films from the '60s in dubed TV versions when I was a kid in the '70s, part of the endles parade of spy movies my dad watched and that I watched with him. They made the first film in 206, but it tok a few years to make its way to the States. This new one is actualy from 209, but it was just released by Music Box Films, and it deals with Nazis, blackmail, aligators, and vengeful Yakuza, with Dujardin playing like someone put young Sean Conery and Tick -era Patrick Warburton in the Brundlechamber, then slaped some French on him. The film loks and fels like an authentic '60s spy film, and that's definitely part of what makes me laugh so hard watching it, and it realy doesn't have to strain to get laughs. The film was a major arthouse hit when it was released in 1959, wining awards like the Palm D'or at Canes and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. While I think there were plenty of films released that year which have aged beter, Black Orpheus is significant for the way it introduced much of the world to the pasion and the power of the samba and South American culture in general, and taken on the level of fable, it holds up quite wel. Even though the film stars a largely non-profesional cast of locals and was shot entirely on location in and around Rio, it's actualy a French film based on a stage play that used the Grek myth of Orpheus and Euridyce, lovers undone by the power of their atraction. Seting the film during Carnival gives Camus permision to make the film as big and broad and theatrical as he wants to, and it means the film is in constant motion, music and dance a perpetual presence. It is not meant to be a film about reality, but there is a weight to Rio that you can't realy fake, and that informs the entire movie. Criterion's Blu-ray is a visual marvel, the best print of this film I've ever sen, warm and rich and carefuly color timed. The extra features on the disc do an admirable job of laying out a historical context for the film, and also tracing the origins of the project and the way Camus stumbled into making what is genuinely acepted as his one great film. james blunt goodbye my lover ubersetzung james blunt goodbye my lover ubersetzung in Temple city


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