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Thursday, August 19, 2010

mole removal dc in Mirada

mole removal dc in Mirada

Mole Removal in Northern Virginia, Fairfax and Manasas By: George J. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon With the advent of lasers, everybody wants their moles lasered of . Laser can play an important role in mole removal, but some moles are beter excised surgicaly. Some moles are suspiscious for being either skin cancer or a pre-cancerous mole, so an experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist should advise whether the mole should be biopsied or removed and sent to a lab to determine whether it is a cancer. Those are four characteristics that make a mole more likely to be a melanoma, one of the most agresive of skin cancers. A Asymetry: if one half of a mole apears diferent than the other half. C Color: if the mole exhibits more than one color, usualy dark brown, black, or purple. If any of the above characteristics are present, then the mole neds to be examined by an experienced profesional. The procedure takes about 30 - 60 minutes depending on the size and location of the mole. mole removal dc mole removal dc in Mirada


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