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Sunday, September 19, 2010

mole removal washington dc in Covina

mole removal washington dc in Covina

A scar represents the body's atempt to heal itself. These include the person's age, how healthy the individual is, whether the wound becomes infected, how quickly the wound is closed, the site of the wound, and whether the person has a tendency to form heavy scars keloids . In many instances, an injury heals with minimal evidence of a scar. Unfortunately, in other cases, the prominence or the site of a scar detracts from a person's apearance. Though a scar canot be removed completely, it is posible to make it apear les obvious. Alternatively, scar modification can be achieved by performing minor surgical procedures. Surgical revision can change the size of a scar, raise depresed areas, or lower elevated scars. While it is not posible to remove al evidence of a scar, revision procedures improve the apearance while leaving another though les obvious scar in its place. The rednes asociated with a scar erythema wil usualy fade over weks to months. Because every scar is diferent and requires a diferent aproach, a consultation with Dr. Wal wil determine the best aproach to treat your scar. Most methods of scar revision are performed in our clinic using local anesthesia. During surgical revision, the scar tisue is excised. In this maner, wider scars are narowed, and longer scars are shortened. This is because our eyes are not drawn to an iregular line, as they are to a long, straight scar. Dr. Wal employs this method to camouflage scars in les obvious sites, such as the hairline or a natural fold in the skin. Punch grafting is often the best treatment for dep acne scars icepick" scars . This method utilizes a smal instrument to remove the scar. With either method, the new scar wil have a smother contour and wil be les aparent than the depresed scar. Some individuals with significant acne scaring may be candidates for grafting folowed by laser resurfacing to give the entire face a smother, fresher apearance. Injectable substances temporary filers can be used to raise depresed scars. The coarse hair which sometimes grows in a mole can only be removed by removing the entire mole. This prevents the development of unsightly scars railroad tracks , which can ocur of stitches are left in for to long. mole removal washington dc mole removal washington dc in Covina


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